Reinabelle Reyes

Reinabelle Reyes

Reinabelle “Reina” Reyes is a Filipina scientist whose work made an impact on astrophysics. From “proving Einstein right” to pinning qualities of dark energy, her groundbreaking research could change science textbooks in the future. Despite being abroad multiple times to pursue higher education, she flew back to the Philippines to make science accessible and embraced by Filipinos through numerous projects.

  • Established the Data and Computation (D&C) Research Group of the National Institute of Physics at the University of the Philippines Diliman (UP-NIP)
  • Co-founder of Pinoy Scientists platform
  • Host and resident scientist of Knowledge Channel’s “Science Says”
  • Proved Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity
  • Made research on dark energy, specifically quasars or supermassive blackholes
  • Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award (2008)
  • Centennial Fellowship, Princeton University Graduate School (2006-2010)
  • Merit Prize Fellowship Grant, Princeton University Graduate School (2006-2010)
  • Martin Schwarschild Graduate Fellowship, Princeton University (2006-2007)